Thursday, May 17, 2012

Wall Paper Gif

Wall Paper Gif Biography
Scientific Animations Without Borders (SAWBO) develops educational materials designed to help learners with low levels of literacy in developing nations. They use three-dimensional animations to convey agricultural and medical advice that can be used to improve the quality of people’s lives. These two-minute animations can be viewed on a range of electronic devices including cell phones with video capacity. Using Bluetooth technology, the animations can be transmitted from cell phone to cell phone. The voice-overs for each animation can be easily adapted for a range of local languages.
The animations are shared on an online journal called the Sustainable Development Virtual Knowledge Interface (SusDeViKI). This journal specialises in educational material for low-literate learners in impoverished settings. Educators can easily search for, view, and download SAWBO’s animations onto their computers. They can then transfer them onto cell phones for use in the field as part of ongoing educational programmes. The educational animations can be left on the phones of community members, and viewed at any time.
One of the big problems with many development messages, especially those created and tested in the academic community, is that these ideas are often placed in peer-reviewed journal articles, making it very difficult for educators to access these materials in a format that would allow them to take the information to target populations in the field. But SAWBO’s animations have overcome this barrier and are easy to access and distribute.
When we hear the term ‘animation’, many of us will think of Saturday morning cartoons, but the medium has come a long way in the last few decades with the advent of high-quality three-dimensional animations. One of the great advantages of animation is that it can be used to show concepts and techniques that are often hard to capture with live-action filming. This art form is now being used extensively in the medical profession to show biological processes. And SAWBO’s videos mark the first time that this technology has been used to help semi-literate learners, and to bridge the gap between the academic literature and practical educational tools. 
Wall Paper Gif
Wall Paper Gif
Wall Paper Gif
Wall Paper Gif
Wall Paper Gif
Wall Paper Gif
Wall Paper Gif
Wall Paper Gif
Wall Paper Gif
Wall Paper Gif
Set Animated Gif As IPhone Wallpaper
Animation GIF Live Wallpaper For Android

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